There’s a misconception that dental care is not important for adults. You may notice your adult patients may not take their oral health as seriously as they should. These facts may help convince your adult patients to take their oral health seriously.
Statistics on Dental Health in Adults
Almost half of adults show signs of gum disease. Further, more than 1 in 4 adults have untreated tooth decay. Beyond these startling statistics, there are other considerations for adult’s dental health.
Dental Care for Diabetics
A recent study showed that diabetics lose almost twice as many teeth as those without diabetes. Diabetics need to be careful about their dental care and oral health since they have difficulty fighting infections. Because of this, infected teeth or gums can cause serious health problems.
Diet and Dental Care
Diets that are high in sugar can cause tooth decay. Tooth decay occurs when sugar comes into contact with plaque, which causes acid to attack teeth. To limit tooth decay due to diet, recommend patients check nutrition labels and limit sugar in their diets.
Access to Dental Care
In 2014, only 62% of adults aged 18-64 had a dental appointment in the last year. Many adults may not have adequate dental care due to access and cost. For every adult 19 and older without medical insurance, three do not have dental insurance. If a patient does not have dental insurance, there are affordable plans for individuals to buy.